Child Soldier Resources

Lesson Plan on Child Soldiers in Uganda (KS 4 and above).

This lesson plan teaches pupils about Uganda in eastern Africa. The plan introduces the topic of child soldiers, and helps pupils imagine what it would be like to be child soldiers, engaging them in a group activity based on real stories from child soldiers. The lesson also stimulates discussion around what we can do here in the UK to stop the use of child soldiers around the world. The plan uses examples and photos of our work in SOS Children’s Village in Gulu, northern Uganda, to show how former child soldiers are re-integrated in to their communities. A Zipped file of the whole plan is available to download. Individual parts of the lesson plans in PDF format, except for the photograph which is a JPG, can be downloaded here:

Other Child Soldier resources

We have a selection of other resources on child soldiers including video interviews and individual stories which are available for researchers. Some of them are a bit gruesome for public display but there are also very positive instances where ex-child soldiers have overcome atrocious challenges to become positive contributers to society.